Exhibition from the stock of the Gallery of Painting, Poster and Sculpture and the Museum of Applied Arts in the Royal Castle in Poznań.
28/05 – 20/08/2023
National Museum in Poznań
Aleje Marcinkowskiego 9, 61-745 Poznań
National Museum in Poznań: https://mnp.art.pl/
Institute of Art History, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań: https://arthist.amu.edu.pl/
A team of curators of art history students (Anna Jackowska, Sebastian Kańczurzewski, Adriana Kiełczewska, Kamila Lange, Paulina Mazurowska, Wiktoria Przydanek, Kornelia Starczewska, Grzegorz Śliwiński, Agata Wawrowska) under the supervision of prof. UAM dr hab. Filip Lipiński and prof. UAM dr hab. Paweł Leszkowicz.
Project coordinators: Katarzyna Grabowska MNP, prof. Piotr Korduba IHS UAM.
Arrangement: Wojciech Luchowski.
Visual identity and catalog design: Agata Kulczyk, University of Arts. Magdalena Abakanowicz in Poznań.
Audio description: a team of students led by Dr. Dorota Łuczak: Marcelina Bobczuk, Monika Czyżniewska, Paula Raszka.
An audio description is available at the exhibition. We encourage you to use qr codes that you can read or listen to (headphones needed).
Upcoming events related to the exhibition:
20.05 (Saturday), Night of Museums, pre-premiere curatorial tours, hours: 18:30, 21:00, 22:30;
May 25 (Thursday), Press conference, 12:00 noon;
27.05. (Saturday), Opening of the exhibition;
May 28 (Sunday), Curatorial tour, 1:00 p.m.;
Events during Poznań Art Week:
03.06 (Saturday), Curatorial tour, 12:00 noon;
04.06 (Sunday), Guest lecture by Dr. Dorota Łagodzka, 11:00 am;
14.06 (Wednesday), With a Toddler at the Museum at the exhibition, 10:15 am;
17.06 (Saturday), Guest lecture Compassion and Compassion – about animals and community, conducted by Dr. Ewa Klekot, cultural anthropologist, School of Form, Warsaw, Dr. Ewa Klekot, 12:00 noon;
18.06 (Sunday), Curatorial tour, 1:00 p.m.

Photo captions:
- The team working on the exhibition (from the left: Katarzyna Grabowska MNP, Prof. UAM Paweł Leszkowicz, Agata Wawrowska, Grzegorz Śliwiński, Adriana Kiełczewska, Kamila Lange, Sebastian Kańczurzewski, Paulina Mazurowska, Prof. UAM Filip Lipiński, Wiktoria Przydanek , Kornelia Starczewska) and, on the left, a representative of the audio description team (Monika Czyżniewska).
- Poster for the exhibition The Animal Before Me, designed by Agata Kulczyk;
- Honey dish in the shape of a bee, 1920s, Józef Fraget Silver and Plated Products Factory, Warsaw, 7 x 9 cm, glass, metal, unsigned, MNP Rm 4549;
- Krzysztof Bucki (1936–1983), Cow, 1973, oil on canvas, 85 × 110 cm, sign bottom right: Krzysztof Bucki 1973, MNP Mp 3018;
- Andy Warhol (1928–1987), Irwin Horowitz (F), Bank by Andy Warhol. Gaudy savings by RCA Color Scanner. Pretty as a pigment, huh? / Bank by Andy Warhol. Color saver with RCA color scanner. Beautiful as painted?, 1968, color offset, 76 × 114.5 cm, sign. from the composition in the footer bottom left: Photograph by Irwin Horowitz., MNP Plo 1912;
- Józef Mehoffer (1869–1946), Pegasus Among Flowers, 1901, oil on canvas, 147 × 221 cm, unsigned, MNP Mp 2898.

Adolf Oberländer (1845-1923), Stado świń na łące / Ruhende Schweineherde, niedat., tempera na płótnie, 38 x 67,5, sygn. l.d.: AOberländer, MNP Mo 1185
Leon Zeyland, Płycina intarsjowana „Tak nam dobrze”, 1937, Polska, drewno intarsjowane, 20,5 x 20,5 cm, niesygn., MNP Rd. 1485
Theodor Hosemann (1807-1875), Zabawa dzieci z bocianem, 1871, olej na płótnie, 53,5 x 65, sygn. p.d.: 18TH71, MNP Mo 1713
Jacques Laurent Agasse (1767-1849), Leżący pies, 1834 (?), olej, papier na płótnie, 15 x 18,5, sygn., MNP Mo 302
Szkoła Zakopiańska, Szkoła Przemysłu Drzewnego w Zakopanem (1876-1939/48), Kura, lata 30. XX w., drewno szelakowane, 18,5 x 7 x 10 cm, MNP P 501
Philippe Starck, Packa na muchy Dr. Skud, od 1998, wyk. Alessi, Francja, żywica termoplastyczna, 44 x 9,30 x 6,70 cm, sygn.: STARCK, MNP Zd 753