
Galeria Szewska, ul. Szewska 16, Poznań

Wernisaż / Opening: 18.04.2024, godz. 18.00


Clara Bernabeu Morales | Alberto Cara Zurita | Lourdes Mª Castillo García | Wiktoria Cichoń | Ona Dubakaitė | Jonė Dūdaitė | Anastasija Fokša | Elisa Isabel García Luque | Marta Gómez Gea | Emilija Grigaliūnaitė | Ane Iturralde Trinidad | Sabina Larios Gutiérrez | Marija Gabrielė Karputė | Karolina Koterwas | Sabina Larios Gutiérrez | Elzė Milašiūtė | Victoria Navarrete Rodríguez | Teresa Nuckowska | León Perales Sierra | Juan Antonio Sánchez Hernández | Austėja Skrupskaitė  | Monika Szczygieł | Eitvydas Žukas | Aleksandra Zwolankiewicz 

Curator: José Manuel Jiménez Muñoz

Curatorial team:

Gloria Lapeña | José Manuel Jiménez Munoz | Kęstutis Vasiliūnas

Teaching staff:

Natalia Brzezińska | Ana Cremades | Reyes González | Carmen Hidalgo | Emilia Iglesias | Tomasz Kalitko | Marcin Lorenc | José Luis Lozano | Joanna Marcinkowska | Belén Mazuecos | Aixa Portero | Olga Rodríguez

The travelling exhibition Slow-selfie. When Knowledge Becomes Image hosts a total of thirty artist’s books created by students from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Granada (Spain), Vilnius Academy of Arts (Lithuania); and Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts (Poznan, Poland).

Each of the works that make up this proposal is the result of a detailed, self-referential, introspective, and especially quiet study of one’s own identity. In contrast to the immediate and normalized selfie that comforts us with the currency of the sense of belonging to the social “tribe”, the anti-selfie is an honest exercise of sincerity transformed into an image that shakes and surprises the readers without leaving them unscathed. A narrative exercise made possible by strategies of negation of inhabiting the world without links, of the body as a machine of production, of chronology as a measure of time that marks our rhythm, and of normativity as a corset to which we must adjust. In the face of these modes of being, imposed and directed towards a frenetic activity for performance, dwelling, corporeality, temporality and resistance emerge as options for more humanized proposals.